Are you a theatre director who is on the fence about scenic projections? Maybe you think that painted backdrops were good enough for Shakespeare, so why change up a good thing? You believe in the old adage if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Well, Diane Smith, one of the founders of SLShowTech, was once in your shoes. “I fought it for a long time. I am not doing that, that’s not traditional…we should have a set. And once you start doing it, you realize some shows really work better with it.”
Smith wants to help you step away from that reluctance and understand the endless possibilities of scenic projections.
Scenic projections are digital images or videos projected onto stage elements such as a screen, set pieces, or the entire stage, which create dynamic and versatile scenic environments.
The theatrical industry today has undergone a significant shift with the advent of digital technology. The use of digital projectors, computers, and software has allowed for highly detailed and dynamic scenic projections.
Digital scenic projections offer numerous advantages, such as the ability to rapidly change scenes, create immersive 3D environments, and integrate live action with projected visuals. Modern productions now rely heavily on digital projections for everything from creating realistic settings to enhancing storytelling through visuals and animations.
Okay, maybe you’re still doubtful and need a little more encouragement. Let’s look at the advantages to using scenic projections instead of traditional backdrops, both creatively and economically.
Scenic projections are cost-effective in the long run compared to purchasing or renting multiple painted backdrops. They are versatile - with digital projections you can create a wide range of scenes and settings using just one projector and a digital library of images and animations.
Scenic projections help with rapid scene changes, making them much faster and more seamless. This can also significantly reduce extra time during a performance. They have dynamic visuals that can create immersive environments like flowing water or moving clouds.
Now if you’re ready to take the first step - where do you start? What do you need?
You will need some basic equipment to get started with projections. A projector, screen, computer and some accessories.
Then you’ll need content - what will you project?
One option is to create your own projection images. Smith says: “My first several shows I had students who created the projections.” If you create your own, it’s important to remember copyright restrictions. Every production is different. No two directors have the same artistic vision, so you should be able to make the projections fit your show.
Then, Smith wants you to play: “The best way to discover projections is just to try it.” If you’re not ready to purchase, SLShowTech offers affordable rental options, giving you access to high-quality scenic projections without a huge upfront investment. Get a projector in your space, test out different images, and see how projections can transform your production.
Smith adds “Let your students play - students are so creative. They think outside the box and they really have their hands on this new technology. They are all over it. This is the world that they’re growing up in. Read, research the advice that is out there. Our website has blogs on getting started and how to find a projector.”
Smith’s experience using scenic projections in her school’s productions, and the convenience and flexibility they provide, inspired her to start SLShowTech. “My whole goal is to make high quality scenic projections affordable for everybody.”
So what are you waiting for? Ready to elevate your next production? SLShowTech makes it easier than ever to get started with high-quality scenic projections or finding a projector.